Train Fast Interval Training

What it does and What benefits you get.

Train Fast to be Fast

I believe that future education will have its focus on Isokinetic training vs Isotonic training. It’s already starting. Yes Isokinetic training has been around for years, but not understood or readily available. Now I notice the word Isokinetic is being flung around and badly being represented from youtube videos of self controlled squatting to the misinterpretation of resistance bands as a form of Isokinetic exercise.

Fast Twitch. Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres Train fast high Performance training interval training Isokinetic Training.

Both Isotonic and Isokinetic training have their place, true Isokinetic exercises are performed through the use of specialised machines which are designed to focus on performance and conditioning levels with reporting data. I have designed and manufactured such machines and they are available for use both serious athletes and the general public.

This year at the Sydney Fitness show 20-22nd of April, these machines will be on display. So come and get educated by the Isokinetic Training Experts.

This year at the Sydney Fitness show 20-22nd of April, these machines will be on display. So come and get educated by the Isokinetic Training Experts.